Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winter Weather and Cabin Fever

January is a slow work month for me.  This week I haven't had any scheduled work so my plan was initially just to hang out at home, relax and stay out of the winter weather that had been forecast for the early part of the week.  Sounded good in theory, but easier said than done!  The first round of wintry mix never materialized and it did not take long for me to get restless and start looking for somewhere to go.

Tuesday afternoon I headed out for Percy Warner Park.  I hoped to get a few shots of the many resident deer while I walked, but Mother Nature had other plans.  It started raining and fog started hovering over the hills.  Bambi and her posse were nowhere to be found, but I did manage to get a couple eerie shots of the fog hanging around.  Snow followed later that night into Wednesday morning.  Maybe I'll get some more pictures later. :)

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