Saturday, January 29, 2011

Afternoon at the Frist

William Eggleston (c) 1991

I hate to admit that after living in Nashville for over a year, I had not been to the Frist Center for Visual Arts - until today.  Shameful, I know.  Anyway, I met up with a friend from my U. South Alabama days to see "Anointing the Overlooked"  - a collection of William Eggleston's photography.  His favorite subjects are, as the exhibit's name implies - ordinary and overlooked, but edgy, and sometimes humorous.  I am particularly fond of his Mississippi Delta photographs. 

If you get a chance, check it out.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  The Frist is located in the former Nashville Post Office - built in the 1930's and a fantastic example of Art Deco Architecture.  Admission is free until the 19th of February.  See the link below for more info.

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