Saturday, January 29, 2011

Afternoon at the Frist

William Eggleston (c) 1991

I hate to admit that after living in Nashville for over a year, I had not been to the Frist Center for Visual Arts - until today.  Shameful, I know.  Anyway, I met up with a friend from my U. South Alabama days to see "Anointing the Overlooked"  - a collection of William Eggleston's photography.  His favorite subjects are, as the exhibit's name implies - ordinary and overlooked, but edgy, and sometimes humorous.  I am particularly fond of his Mississippi Delta photographs. 

If you get a chance, check it out.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  The Frist is located in the former Nashville Post Office - built in the 1930's and a fantastic example of Art Deco Architecture.  Admission is free until the 19th of February.  See the link below for more info.

Montgomery Bell State Park

On my way back from West Tennessee, I stopped at Montgomery Bell State Park.  The park is beautiful, with rolling hills in places and rocky bluffs along creeks and lakes in others. There was still snow on the ground, but the sun was out and it was a perfect day for a hike.  Well, more like a leisurely stroll . . . 

Along the way I stopped in at McAdoo Chapel, circa 1807 - the first meeting place of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.  The stone structure is small with simple wooden pews, but the stained glass was gorgeous!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winter Weather and Cabin Fever

January is a slow work month for me.  This week I haven't had any scheduled work so my plan was initially just to hang out at home, relax and stay out of the winter weather that had been forecast for the early part of the week.  Sounded good in theory, but easier said than done!  The first round of wintry mix never materialized and it did not take long for me to get restless and start looking for somewhere to go.

Tuesday afternoon I headed out for Percy Warner Park.  I hoped to get a few shots of the many resident deer while I walked, but Mother Nature had other plans.  It started raining and fog started hovering over the hills.  Bambi and her posse were nowhere to be found, but I did manage to get a couple eerie shots of the fog hanging around.  Snow followed later that night into Wednesday morning.  Maybe I'll get some more pictures later. :)

Welcome :)

I have always enjoyed reading blogs, and have often thought that I would enjoy writing my own.  There are travel blogs, blogs about family, photo blogs, art blogs, project related blogs and blogs about life in general.  So, the big questions have been:   What do I have to share?  What do I want to write about?  Finally, I realized that maybe I don't have to know the answer to those questions to get started.  Maybe the best answer was to not get lost in the details and just to do it.  I can pretty much guarantee, given my profession and hobbies . . . that photography, travel and nature will be frequent topics ;)